A Glimpse from ED643 Fall 2010




Saturday, October 22, 2011

Midterm Self-Reflection...

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.
-Nelson Mandela

My semester began as a nerve racking semester, as a person that sets foot on a stage for the very first time, for their first performance. Then my nerves calmed and the feeling of accomplishment began to set in especially with eventually reading the whole textbook. I have read all 16 chapters of the textbook, having no trouble relating to what was being discussed. I know I am most definitely going to constantly refer back to the text book, not only in the near future for the upcoming semesters, but in the near future when I am actually a reading specialist. At first I was shocked to actually complete the text, but I found out it was something that I could completely follow and read with ease. I’ve had exposure to majority of the items discussed throughout the text. I was glad, and most of all feel accomplished.

I have participated in elluminate sessions accordingly, and have posted to the best of my ability in the class blog, and Dr. Rivera reminded me that I must post in the moddle rooms as well. Through all of these activities I am grateful we have them, as it helps me to stay on task. I have found out that it is very easy to get off task, and fall behind, especially with the amount of work needed, not to mention the readings. I think one of the most major problems I am dealing with is time management, as I have a very very hectic schedule.

I am currently working on being prepared for each session I have with my case study student. My main concern is actually having the time to accomplish my goals for the remainder sessions. I am going to have to sit down, and really plan the remainder of the semester, using an effective calendar, to list everything I need to do, by the hour. With the careful planning I am going to take, I know there is only room for success. I am going to conference with my student's parent and ask her if it is feasible, either to meet twice a week, instead of once a week, I will also ask her if the time is appropriate, I can adjust, but I just need to plan ahead of time.

Quote taken from: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/n/nelson_mandela.html

Picture taken from: http://ldswhy.com/qa/how-can-i-have-clean-thoughts/

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    Preparation and time management are essential. With the various duties and classes that you have, it's important that you stay organized and on task. You are an intelligent young man, so I know that you can remain focused and maximize your time with your student. Let me know how the conference goes with your student's parent. Let's do all that we can to make the most of your assessment sessions. You can do it!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
