A Glimpse from ED643 Fall 2010




Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In the beginning...there was light...

"A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others."

~Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, translated from Turkish

I like to think, it only takes a spark to get a fire going, today was the spark, to get the learning going. Today, October 4, 2011 was our initial meeting, I was able to meet the parent of my student, and my student as well. Initially the parent was lost, on campus. I contacted her via cell phone and asked her for her exact location, we agreed to meet at a common location (Field House) and proceed to School of Education (SOE). The way our session began was interesting, I was allowed some time to sit down with Dr. Rivera and do a self-examination and relax a bit before our actual session began. I was extremely nervous meeting my student and his parent. After the initial meeting, in the parking lot of the Field House the parent repeatedly apologized, we walked over SOE and began the session.

I started with the Literacy Center Forms, explained to the parent what the forms are, if she has any questions do not hesitate to ask, etc... She proceeded to the next room to complete the forms. While the parent was filling out the forms, I started the Student Interview, I used the Literacy Student Interview, reading the questions and taking notes as the student responded. At this point, with my first couple of questions I began to get nervous. My student seemed very shy majority of the student’s responses were “I don’t know.” He was constantly shrugging his shoulders in response to majority of my questions, until we came to the question: "Who do you think is a good reader?" He was able to identify a good reader, his classmate Nathan. I was glad! I finally got a response from the student besides, "I Don't Know." When asked what makes Nathan a good reader, his response, once again was “I don’t know.” I continued with the interview, and the student only had two favorite books, which he was able to name. He said he enjoyed math, and watching cartoons, on the Cartoon Network. The last movie he watched was Captain America, and his favorite part of the movie was when Captain America became strong. I asked the student if he speaks or understands any other languages, besides English, and he said, “I understand Filipino.” I asked him to say something in that language and he said, Bahu, which means stinky. I noticed when I asked him what the word meant he began to laugh, and had a smile on his face.

He is a very SHY student!!! I am anticipating having to do many activities for him to open up, warm up to our sessions. My main concern is how quiet/shy the student is because majority of his responses to the Student Interview Questions were mostly “I Don’t Know.” I am wondering if he or even I are going to be able to make it through the next session, when we start to work. I’m concerned too if I am going to be able to get the student to talk. Hopefully, the activities I have are going to be able to open him, and make him more comfortable and responsive.

Quote taken from: http://www.quotegarden.com/teachers.html

Picture taken from: http://www.juztimage.com/candle-pictures-sample-tips/candle-pictures-4/

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    Congratulations on your first session! I'm glad that you were able to not only assess B.M., but you had the opportunity to allow the mother to complete the interview form and other parental permission forms. Please provide me with the original parental permission form, so that I may keep it on file in our clinic.

    You have a unique child and his repeated response of "I don't know" says a lot about his disposition. Note this in your diagnostic case report.

    He will eventually open up more to you as time progresses. Your plans for next session will prove to be resourceful. Do your best, and modify the activities, if necessary. Good luck!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
