A Glimpse from ED643 Fall 2010




Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Fourth Day...

"I start a picture and I finish it."
Jean-Michel Basquiat

It is now passed the mid-point of the semester, and I am moving right along. Although I do have more work in for me, I am trying to finish everything. Before we began our session we went into the Literacy Library to get a book. I wanted to do Running Records with the student. He chose the book “Creepy, Crawly Baby Bugs” by Sandra Markle. When we began the session first I tried to do the Language Experience Approach, where the teacher is the scribe, and the student simply tells a story. As I sat there with a white board I simply gave the instructions to the student to tell me a story, and I will write it down. The student just looked at me, with a big smile, but no words for me to write. I continued to encourage him, asking to say anything, tell me how your day went...etc. to try and spark some ideas in him to begin telling me a story so I may be the scribe. After about five minutes of my prodding to try and get something out of the student, he simply replied, "I'm too shy." So we left it at that.

Then we used the book the student chose from the library, to gather a Running Record. We continued with our Session Plan doing stories from the QRI. When the session ended, I approached the parent and asked her if it is feasible to meet twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm. She agreed, saying, “No problem.” I explained to her, that I wanted to make sure I get enough information, as next week will be our last week to meet.

I’m very glad I decided to request additional meetings with my student. As I was sitting down with Dr. Rivera going over some of the lessons I found out that I am missing a couple of things, in particular the listening comprehension portion. The extra sessions I set up with my student will definitely be busy.

Quote Taken from: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/jeanmichel_basquiat.html

Picture Taken from: http://www.sjpl.org/tags/booksale

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    Indeed, we have passed the midpoint of the semester, so you'll definitely need to be on your toes in gathering the necessary data for your report. Your request for additional meetings with your student will prove to be resourceful in completing your report. Good luck with your final sessions! You can do it!

    All the best,
    Dr. Rivera
