A Glimpse from ED643 Fall 2010




Thursday, August 18, 2011

I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann" Taken from http://www.quotegarden.com/teachers.html

A time for new beginnings, new learning to take place. The feeling of starting fresh at the beginning of each semester, I love it! On the first day, on the college campus at every college classroom I walk by, students are eagerly waiting outside, right next to the door, in anticipation. They are anticipating for the door to open, leaving me to think it is a subliminal message they are giving to the instructor, to open their minds, to new concepts, new thinking, they want to see things differently, most of all they want something to think about besides how they are so nervous. Especially teaching freshmen in college, their eagerness is something extra ordinary, they are "fresh" new adults, with loads of freedom, and most of all a "fresh" mind. Now if the right teacher grasps their eagerness the teacher will realize it is something golden and full of power. The power to create critical thinkers, to really work on, feed on, and create decision makers. As I look at the faces of the students waiting, I am constantly reminded how they look so eager, eager to learn! As I look to unlock the door, open it, while getting settled, I say to them, "I'm impressed, we are all so eager to learn! We are all pouring into the classroom, as soon as I open the door! Rushing to find a seat..." As the students pick their seats, they feel free yet bound, to sit at that same seat for the rest of the semester...

Of course, on my first day of classes I did feel a bit nervous. My nervousness was for the course work I will be taking on this semester. We went over the syllabus, calendar of events, and the overview of the course. Many questions were bouncing around the walls of my head, asking will I succeed? Will I be able to accomplish what I need to do this semester? Although being the only student in the course does have its advantages, I am able to have one-on-one instruction, and we can never fail. But to be with others...who are peers is comforting, we are able to discuss with each other what we have learned in class, and become professional acquaintances. I must say to myself, I WILL PERSIST!

Image courtesy of: http://www.npelem.com/2011/06/summer-reading-program/reading-clipart/

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    With much hard work and determination, you will succeed! You have my full attention, and I encourage you to do your best!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
